"A-1 with us!"
/"When we chose your firm to list our cottage on Lake St. Peter for sale we had no idea that we would also gain valued friends. Your efforts on our behalf were more than anyone could have asked of a brokerage firm... just outstanding.
You literally guided us through the sale process in such a smooth fashion that the experience gives lie to the argument that real estate agents are unnecessary, but in reality we could never have done this without you all working on our behalf. That we were out of the country made your task more daunting, we are sure. Regardless, all went wonderfully well and we are most appreciative.
Please know that we unhesitatingly recommend your firm to any and all who desire a personal as well as business working relationship in real estate sales. The Bancroft Team is A-1 with us."
Norma, Lois, Bud, & Dede