You Will Fall in Love: 12 Reasons We Adore Hay Lake
/The Team was covering ground on Hay Lake this week, and we asked some Hay Lake inhabitants to tell us why they adore the freshwater inland paradise.
After reading our list, also check out the Life at the Lodge by Erin & Phil Morlock, owners of Hay Lake Lodge.
Hay Lake
1. Isolation: this is a good thing! Privacy is a hot commodity in our age.
2. Peace and tranquility: Allows for a regular life eco-detox.
3. Good quality, safe water: This makes preparing for the cottage much easier.
4. Starry nights: The clarity and the reflections off the still waters make us swoon.
5. Long and lazy boatrides on this long and narrow lake.
6. The natural shoreline.
Hay Lake Shoreline
7. The wide variety of fish species.
8. The sounds of early morning woodpeckers against metal chimneys.
9. Turtles laying eggs up sandy hills.
10. Partridges drumming for partners in mating season.
11. Duck and Loon families making the lake their homes.
12. An amazing community of wonderful neighbours.
Launching at Hay Lake